Fixed Income Funds

They invest in local and foreign, public and private securities with different levels of volatility and investment horizons.

Based on their investment policy, we can segment them according to the fund currency (Argentine pesos and US dollars), recommended investment horizon and expected yield.

The choice of the assets that make up the portfolio of each fund is made according to the highest credit quality standards, in order to optimize returns according to risk.

It is advisable that the investor takes into account all these characteristics to make a correct choice of those that best adapt to his or her objectives and investor profile.

Fima Ahorro Pesos
The fund’s objective is to maximize return on an Argentine-Peso-denominated, short duration fixed income portfolio. The fund`s investment policy puts an emphasis on preservation of capital and low volatility. The fund’s assets include securities issued by the Central Bank of Argentina, Financial Trusts and Time Deposits, among others.
Fima Ahorro Plus
The fund´s objective is to maximize return on a short duration bond portfolio with low volatility and high liquidity. This is an option for investors seeking a balance between risk and return. The assets include bills of exchange issued by the Central Bank of Argentina (Lebac), corporate bonds of leading companies, trusts, bills of exchange issued by the city and Province of Buenos Aires, time deposits, short goverment bonds, among others.
Fima Renta en Pesos
The fund´s objective is to maximize return on an Argentine-Peso-denominated intermediate duration fixed income portfolio. The assets include corporate bonds and medium-term fixed income goverment instruments denominated in Argentine Pesos.
Fima Renta Plus
The fund´s objective is to maximize return on an Argentine-Peso-denominated long duration fixed income portfolio. The assets include corporate bonds and long-term fixed income government instruments denominated in Argentine Pesos.
Fima Capital Plus
As of December 2019 the fund will maximize the performance of a portfolio composed mainly by dollar linked bonds and FX derivatives, closely tracking the evolution of the ARS-USD exchange rate.


Fima Renta Fija Internacional
This alternative seeks to obtain yields from a portfolio of mid-term US dollar bonds, mainly from Latin American markets and up to 25% in American Treasury bonds. The design of the investment portfolio does not include local bonds, which will reduce the volatility of the fund.